Segregation, Spatial Externalities, and the Privatization of Urban Services

  • Charles Sumner Dissertation Prize, Harvard University, Department of Government (2023)

  • Harold D. Lasswell Best Dissertation in Public Policy, American Political Science Association (APSA) (2024)

  • Best Dissertation in Urban Politics, APSA Urban and Local Politics Section (2024)

Book Project

Working Papers

Segregation and the Spatial Externalities of Inequality: A Theory of Interdependence and Public Goods in Cities FirstView at American Political Science Review [Abstract] [Draft here]

  • Recipient of the Best Paper on Social and Economic Inequality Award (2021) (any APSA 2020 panel), APSA Class and Inequality Section

  • Recipient of the Best Paper by a Graduate Student Award at REPAL 2021,
    Red para el Estudio de la Economía Política de América Latina (REPAL)

“Bureaucratic Packing” in the Brazilian Amazon: How Political Competition Drives Deforestation
Former title: “The Political Origins of Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, 2000 - 2012

Forthcoming, Journal of Politics [Abstract] [Draft here]

  • Recipient of the Paul A. Sabatier Best Conference Paper Award (2022),
    APSA Science, Technology, & Environmental Politics (STEP) Section

The Political Origins of Slum Growth and Segregation in Cities
Revise & Resubmit at American Political Science Review [Abstract] [Draft here]

  • Recipient of the Best Paper on Urban and Local Politics Award, APSA Urban and Local Politics Section (2023)

The Politics of Pessimism: Turning Aspirational Voters into Populists
[with Torben Iversen] [Abstract] [Draft here]
Forthcoming at Comparative Political Studies

Trade Liberalization and Social Policy Response: The Geography of Subnational Political Ties in Brazil
[Abstract] [Draft here]
Revise & Resubmit at Political Science Research Methods

Transition to a Knowledge Economy and the New Skill Cleavage
[with Torben Iversen and David Soskice] [Draft Here]

“Spatial Distance” and Preferences for Redistribution in Cities
[Abstract] [Draft available]

Public Service Delivery under Decentralization: Inter-governmental Arrangements and Local Horizontal Institutions
[Abstract] [Draft available]

In progress

Weathering the Storm: How Climate Change Encourages Labor Formalization in Liberia
[with Shelley Liu] [Draft available]

The Persistence of Labor Informality in the Developing World
[with Shelley Liu] [Draft available]

Dual Equilibria in Natural Disaster Response: The Effect of Natural Disasters on Inequality & Ethnic Conflict in Kenya
[with Shelley Liu] [Abstract]

The Effects of Race versus Class over Space: Evidence from a Conjoint Survey Experiment in São Paulo, Brazil
[Draft available]

How Gender and Migrant Status Affect Collective Action Among Street Vendors in Liberia
[with Shelley Liu]

Climate Change, Food Insecurity, and Voting Behavior across sub-Saharan Africa
[with David Ifkovits and Shelley Liu] [Draft available]


2016, "Explaining Differences in Sub-national Patterns of Clean Technology Transfers to China and India," International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law, and Economics 16 (2): 1 - 23. [With Patrick Bayer and Johannes Urpelainen]

2015, "Socioeconomic Determinants of Charcoal Use in Tanzania: Evidence from Panel Data," Energy Economics 49: 472-481. [With Anthony D'Agostino and Johannes Urpelainen]

2014, "Laissez-Faire and the Clean Development Mechanism: Determinants of Project Implementation in Indian States, 2003 - 2011," Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 16 (8): 1687 - 1701. [With Patrick Bayer and Johannes Urpelainen]

2011, "Interactive Effects of Cigarette Smoke Extract (CSE) and World Trade Center Dust Particles on Airway Cell Cytotoxicity," Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 74 (14): 887 - 902. [With Colette Prophete, Lung-chi Chen, Charles W. Emala, Mitchell D. Cohen]


2022 "As origens políticas do desmatamento na Amazônia brasileira, 2000-2012” in Nexo Jornal Políticas Públicas, November 25, 2022.

OTHER Writing