Segregation, Spatial Externalities, and the Privatization of Urban Services
Charles Sumner Dissertation Prize, Harvard University, Department of Government (2023)
Harold D. Lasswell Best Dissertation in Public Policy, American Political Science Association (APSA) (2024)
Best Dissertation in Urban Politics, APSA Urban and Local Politics Section (2024)
Book Project
Working Papers
Segregation and the Spatial Externalities of Inequality: A Theory of Interdependence and Public Goods in Cities FirstView at American Political Science Review [Abstract] [Draft here]
Recipient of the Best Paper on Social and Economic Inequality Award (2021) (any APSA 2020 panel), APSA Class and Inequality Section
Recipient of the Best Paper by a Graduate Student Award at REPAL 2021,
Red para el Estudio de la Economía Política de América Latina (REPAL)
“Bureaucratic Packing” in the Brazilian Amazon: How Political Competition Drives Deforestation
Former title: “The Political Origins of Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, 2000 - 2012”
Forthcoming, Journal of Politics [Abstract] [Draft here]
Recipient of the Paul A. Sabatier Best Conference Paper Award (2022),
APSA Science, Technology, & Environmental Politics (STEP) Section
The Political Origins of Slum Growth and Segregation in Cities
Revise & Resubmit at American Political Science Review [Abstract] [Draft here]
Recipient of the Best Paper on Urban and Local Politics Award, APSA Urban and Local Politics Section (2023)
The Politics of Pessimism: Turning Aspirational Voters into Populists
[with Torben Iversen] [Abstract] [Draft here]
Forthcoming at Comparative Political Studies
Trade Liberalization and Social Policy Response: The Geography of Subnational Political Ties in Brazil
[Abstract] [Draft here]
Revise & Resubmit at Political Science Research Methods
Transition to a Knowledge Economy and the New Skill Cleavage
[with Torben Iversen and David Soskice] [Draft Here]
“Spatial Distance” and Preferences for Redistribution in Cities
[Abstract] [Draft available]
Public Service Delivery under Decentralization: Inter-governmental Arrangements and Local Horizontal Institutions
[Abstract] [Draft available]
In progress
Weathering the Storm: How Climate Change Encourages Labor Formalization in Liberia
[with Shelley Liu] [Draft available]
The Persistence of Labor Informality in the Developing World
[with Shelley Liu] [Draft available]
Dual Equilibria in Natural Disaster Response: The Effect of Natural Disasters on Inequality & Ethnic Conflict in Kenya
[with Shelley Liu] [Abstract]
The Effects of Race versus Class over Space: Evidence from a Conjoint Survey Experiment in São Paulo, Brazil
[Draft available]
How Gender and Migrant Status Affect Collective Action Among Street Vendors in Liberia
[with Shelley Liu]
Climate Change, Food Insecurity, and Voting Behavior across sub-Saharan Africa
[with David Ifkovits and Shelley Liu] [Draft available]
2016, "Explaining Differences in Sub-national Patterns of Clean Technology Transfers to China and India," International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law, and Economics 16 (2): 1 - 23. [With Patrick Bayer and Johannes Urpelainen]
2015, "Socioeconomic Determinants of Charcoal Use in Tanzania: Evidence from Panel Data," Energy Economics 49: 472-481. [With Anthony D'Agostino and Johannes Urpelainen]
2014, "Laissez-Faire and the Clean Development Mechanism: Determinants of Project Implementation in Indian States, 2003 - 2011," Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 16 (8): 1687 - 1701. [With Patrick Bayer and Johannes Urpelainen]
2011, "Interactive Effects of Cigarette Smoke Extract (CSE) and World Trade Center Dust Particles on Airway Cell Cytotoxicity," Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 74 (14): 887 - 902. [With Colette Prophete, Lung-chi Chen, Charles W. Emala, Mitchell D. Cohen]
2022 "As origens políticas do desmatamento na Amazônia brasileira, 2000-2012” in Nexo Jornal Políticas Públicas, November 25, 2022.